Times are tough. Many people are being faced with financial problems. Consequently, ways of saving money are always sweet music to people in financial crises. Skyrocketing household energy bills can mess with your sanity especially if your financial muscle is fairly emaciated. If you are struggling to pay your household energy bills or simply want to pay less, there are several ways to reduce the bills so that you save money.

Simple tricks and changes on how you operate your appliances at home can significantly help you lower your household energy bills. Below are some helpful tips on how to reduce household energy bills;

No. 1 – Get an energy meter

The first step in reducing your household energy bills should be getting an energy monitor. An energy monitor will help you monitor and understand how much energy you are using in your house. After monitoring and evaluating your energy usage via the energy monitor, you will be in an advantaged position to know where to cut back.

No. 2 – Turn it off!

In order to lower your household energy bill effectively, it is imperative that you cultivate a culture of turning off appliances when you are not using them. Many people are guilty of leaving fans lights and other appliances on at night when they sleep. This significantly leads to increased household energy bills. Luckily, you can avoid paying hefty household energy bills simply by turning off electric appliances after or when you are not using them. If you are forgetful, make is a rule of thumb to perform a nightly sweep through your house to make sure all the electric appliances are turned off before you go to bed.

No. 3 – Choosing the right electric appliances

Purchasing the energy efficient electric appliances can help you reduce your household energy bill. A quintessential example would be purchasing an energy star-qualified TVs as they are up to 30 percent more energy efficient compared to non-certified models. You might also consider getting a laptop instead of a desktop computer because laptops use less energy.

No. 4 – Set your water heater correctly

If you have a water heater in your home, it is recommended that you set it at 120 degrees. Setting your water heater at 140 degrees on anything higher might not only increase your household energy bill but also create the danger of scalding.

No. 5 – Use the right bulbs

Changing your light bulbs to energy efficient (Compact fluorescent bulbs) bulbs can also help you lower your household energy bill.