14 10, 2017

Buying a New Boiler – What Do You Need To Know?

2018-06-18T10:54:06+00:00October 14th, 2017|

Buying a New Boiler – What Do You Need To Know? Whilst replacing a worn out boiler with a new one will certainly hit your bank balance initially it is important to focus on the long term benefits that it will offer rather than the short term expense. Benefits of having a new boiler include: Increased Reliability Increased Efficiency Reduced Carbon Footprint Reduced Energy Bills Increased Hot Water Production Better Heating Production 7 year warranties (full parts and labour) so [...]

13 10, 2017

Taking Care Of Your Pipes This Winter

2018-06-18T10:54:22+00:00October 13th, 2017|

Burst pipes are at the heart of many plumbing issues and despite the fact that many water pipes are made from copper, a very durable material, they are still prone to springing a leak. How does this happen though? Pipes designed solely for the purpose of allowing water to pass through, should surely be able to withstand almost anything. The truth is though that depending on the type of water running through the pipe, leaks can sometimes begin to appear [...]

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