18 07, 2014

Top Tips To Save Energy Through Lighting Control

2018-06-18T11:32:07+00:00July 18th, 2014|

We are all constantly searching for ways to make cutbacks and savings in our homes. Did you know though that the very latest in lighting technologies, sensors and control equipment can increase your energy savings? Making Significant Cuts The best way to save energy and make significant cuts within your home is by using the latest energy saving products and controls. When considering lighting for your building, you must make sure it complies with Part L of the building regulations. [...]

11 07, 2014

Getting To The Root of Plumbing Problems

2018-06-18T11:32:25+00:00July 11th, 2014|

Home maintenance is a chore that keeps popping its head up. With so many things that need to be done to a home in order to keep things running smoothly, there is literally always something to do. Important Tips Some things are a little more important than others though and the plumbing of a property is something that should never be overlooked. Below, the team at J & P have created a helpful plumbers London check-list that will help you to [...]

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